We have had students of all ages and experience take and exceed in our courses. It doesn’t matter what your background is, though, you may benefit from some test taking tips.
- Know your basic vocabulary. Test questions can be a bit tricky in the wording. But you are on solid ground if you know your definitions.
- Know your facts. For example, if a timeline is taught in the course then more than likely you will be tested on the timeline involved.
- Be able to apply the facts to a story situation. Examples are always given in the course – so just make sure that you understand them.
- Answer the actual question that is being asked
- Many questions are missed not because the person didn’t know the answer – rather from misreading the question.
- Read the question backwards – before you actually read the question. Do this to notice words such as “except” or “not.”

Tips Continued
- Don’t “overstress” about the math if you are weak in math. It is important to tackle math. Math challenged people tend to spend the majority of their time trying to understand the math. In doing so, not enough time is spent on the other material.
- There are only 10 math question on the Florida Real estate exam for sales associates.
- Make sure you take a look at our Math Formula Guide at the end of our Florida Real Estate Sales Pre-Licensing Course Companion.
- Review quizzes but don’t memorize the answers to specific questions. Instead, take time to make sure you understand the concepts so you can apply it to similar questions. Explanations for course questions include the page numbers so you can find where the questions are taught.
- Have a basic calculator on hand (not a scientific calculator – testing centers will not allow these).
- When taking a state test – before you start the test try this: Write down on the paper sized whiteboard that you are given the basic facts that you are struggling to hold onto for the exam (for many people this would be facts like how many linear feet are in a mile; how many acres are in a section; etc). Do this before you actually start the exam. This will allow you to relax and focus more on the wording of the questions.
- Be sure to leave room at the bottom of the whiteboard for your math computations.
Tips Continued
- Use the study aids that we provide.
- The course itself has clues as to what to study
- You’ll notice these from the way words are in bold or color.
- Pay attention to words and thoughts that repeat – this is a clue!
- Don’t forget to check out the Resource folder in our course. That’s where you find the extra study aids that are part of your course.
- Consider purchasing a book. These are online courses so books are not required. However, many people benefit from a good old-fashioned book and a highlighter.
- Consider Exam prep courses and course summary books – especially if you are struggling. It’s better to take the extra steps to help you reach your goals!
- Attend the live webinars. This is a great opportunity to touch base with other students in the class and your teacher.
- Finally, reach out to our staff and your teacher with questions. That’s why we are here!